Thread: Skywest - ASA to Merge

ANPBird , 04-04-2007 08:51 PM
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Quote: removing all the emotion from it.... I think a merger will probably improve the quality of the new hire flying DCI. I've heard even with quick upgrades, Skywest has a hard time filing there classes. ASA is having an extremely difficult time filling classes (which is typical with a pending contract fight).
Consolidation will happen, the only question is when.
I don't know about this one but could be. The class I am in now is big and we are all far from from having wet tickets, and thats for the EMB. Everyone showed up for class. I haven't heard any rumors of dropping mins to try to get people in the door. There seems to be a lot of folks coming in for interviews everyday. Yesterday I popped my head into the interview group during lunch and they had already sent 4 of the 6 home. They haven't dropped there standards yet to just fill classes.