Thread: More USAir pilots please read...

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Wiskey Driver , 07-19-2013 06:31 AM
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Wiskey Driver
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Quote: R57
That's one of those things that if you have to explain, he wouldn't understand.
For generations (which he may not even remember) the fourth stripe (at all major airlines) was more than just sitting in the seat, it was EARNED by not just waiting for seniority but by PROVING ones self capable of command.
Yea it sounds a bit dramatic but part of the reason our profession has been dumped on so badly is our own disrespect for what we do.
I suppose he would be happier if displaced Captains wore black athletic shoes, walked around the terminal with ear buds and a backpack!
How low can we go???
Like I explained to relay, at AA its a no go item ie they dont care about any of that. I have read the memo which dates back a few years. It states that if you are operating as an f/o you will dress as one. Now I do believe that at one point AA was acceptable what you are speaking however something took place with the Reno air guys that ended it.
