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Old 08-16-2013, 11:15 AM
With The Resistance
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Originally Posted by cardiomd View Post
Excellent post. +1000. I'll buy you a beer, Deadhead, if we ever meet.

In times past people HAD to get their news from Walter Cronkite, or read something by Pulitzer. Something relatively balanced. Sure there were still some rags or tabloids, but larger news corporations were quite centrist. Now somebody can seek out whatever trash and read it to solely form "opinions," or spout out the same half-true (or not true) nonsense to no end.

I am now liberal hippie to the right wingers, and I am a conservative crock to the extreme left, but yet I haven't changed. Thoughtful discussion is quite rare (look at some of the posters here, or any web forum).
Information is more widely available than ever, literacy is at a low point as is critical thought.

Left, right and center are just constructs designed to divide while building the means to live from the effort of others.
We have all constructed a ghastly enormous and ever expanding beast which serves a tiny minority. I have to laugh at the word centrist, because that brought us to our current position.

People using the word centrist are almost always anything but and the word has evolved in meaning to encompass almost anything popular-whatever the cat happens to drag in.

A highly placed official recently blamed the internet for making it difficult to govern, what he really meant is that it makes it far more difficult to lie.
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