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Old 08-30-2013, 08:31 AM
Joined APC: Feb 2011
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Originally Posted by LAX Pilot View Post
But there won't be a CAL this time next week. Those LUAL pilots are back on property. They are effectively recalled. We won't be operating as two separate pilot groups within an airline.

Actually, we will.
Come Wed (if The List is out), I and every other LCAL Pilot will still be referring to our old C02 for many contract issues.
Same will be said for the coming months into next year.
Numerous sections of the JCBA have implementation dates that are yet to be determined.

What happens to a LUAL Furloughee/LCAL NewHire? He or she (might) move ahead of some on their respective BES.. but which old contract do they fall under?

Hopefully at this time next week the ISL chapter of this merger is complete and we continue to move forward..
BUT, this "merger" won't be complete for at least another year.
Only when ever pilot is operating under the new JCBA, every section of the JCBA is implemented, and every pilot can fly all the planes in their respective BES.. will we be merged.

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