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Old 09-23-2013, 09:07 AM
Joined APC: Jul 2006
Posts: 91

Originally Posted by AtlCSIP View Post
I'm sorry, but If we are going to expect to be treated as professionals then we need to act like professionals. As a professional, you are expected to act with integrity. If you are sick, call in. If you are not, don't. If you are fatigued, call in. If you are not, don't. If you are medically qualified for LOA, take it. If you aren't, don't. If you are being treated unfairly, then do something about it in line with the professionalism expected of this industry. You can quit, you can organize a strike, you can volunteer with your union, or you can become a part of management, all of which will allow you the opportunity to make a change and maintain your professionalism. If you lie to get where you want to go, you will find that the end does not necessarily justify the means, and you will become that which you despise.

The pay should be better and the QOL should be better but we got into this industry knowing how it was and chose to stay. Quit or work to make a difference, but don't lie, cheat or steal to get there. You won't be an airline pilot forever, but you will have to live with yourself.
Really? I would rather that management be very afraid of us and never meddle with us like this again. You will note that I left resignation as an option. The decision to use any one of these weapons is based on the individual.

Volunteer for the Union? We cannot even have discussions with other pilot groups, who are represented outside of group, without the permission of Mr. Moak. Organizing a strike is illegal.

We will be professionals when we can leverage our abilities to achieve the compensation that they deserve. I would use, and have, and will continue to use any and all of these tools, up to an including but not limited to resignation, in order to see my profession restored to the dignity that it deserves and to light management's straw man on fire. You are right, I won't be an airline pilot forever. If the PSA TA passes, my resignation letter is already written.

Diplomacy is well and good. The opportunity for management, including ALPA National, to treat us like human beings is long gone.

No fear! Nov 26.

Last edited by Gofish; 09-23-2013 at 09:40 AM.
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