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Old 01-30-2006, 11:43 AM
done, gone skiing
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Originally Posted by SitBackRelax
Of course, correct me if I'm wrong, but the real issue here is not that you're concerned that we're getting screwed over, it's that you're concerned that you're getting screwed over because of us somehow.
Well of course my obligations put you well behind family and well ahead of Iraqi freedom fighters. We do share a lot in common, which, for better or worse, gives me a vested interest in how you shape your destiny.
We may not compete, or even provide the same product, but forward of the cockpit door we have a lot in common. Whether we like it or not, all of us are affected by the pay/QOL/benefits we each have (had) and how it will affect what we can reasonably expect in the future. Looking out even further, you and I (in the future) can expect more pressure from off shore that will affect what we will make tomorrow. While many here blame ALPA for (their) personal misfortunes (with a previous airline), the pay and benefits you currently get are a product of ALPA negotiated pay rates (and what your management reasonably feels is the most they can come under them).
I shake my head when I read boasting (or is taunting a better word) from JB pilots about how UAL, DAL NWA pilots now make similar money to JB pilots. Keep in mind, as they reduce the cost of crewing their jet's, JB cost advantage becomes less and less. Likewise, the rationale to pay you more diminishes for your management. Word is that LCC, Airtran is asking its pilots for pay cuts/productivity improvements to offset the cost advantage they have lost to their legacy competition. What does this fore tell for you and the rest of us??
At one level, I could give a rats a** whether you unionise or not, even how much you are paid or how many hours you fly a day. The reality is I have to care because what you are willing to settle for may be what I'm forced to accept. Its a small world and getting smaller every day. Because you and your colleagues currently "op out" of helping to chart your current pay and benefits, the burdon fails more heavily on the rest of us. JB is successful and not a newcomer (anymore) its time to step up to plate and help set a higher standard, not defend a lower one.
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