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Old 01-09-2014, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by StarClipper View Post
I think your name says it all if you really think that an individual personal or political view should hinder them from getting hired at purple. Or you'd discriminate against them based on the views wow, that says a lot about you. I hope all the purple guys don't feel that way.
I thought this might help you Clipper:

noun \ˈjest\

: something said or done to cause laughter

: an utterance (as a jeer or quip) intended to be taken as mockery or humor

I have found that folks with political views similar to the ones you're displaying are a little challenged in the sense of humor department.

I hate to speak for our CompetentFool but I'll go out on a limb and suggest that the following was meant in JEST(see above)
Originally Posted by CompetentFool View Post
The OP of this thread needs to change his political leanings before coming purple. Good luck.
Now follow me here..... most effective humor has some truth in it. If you get hired here, you will find yourself in the minority when it comes to viewpoints you have claimed in some of your posts. Hence, the JEST. CompetentFool didn't say "change his political leanings TO become purple". His statement basically meant that once you're here, if you choose to share your views on a trip (hint: I would recommend you don't) you're not going fit in as easily (that whole minority thing again).

So, his suggestion was to change your views "BEFORE becoming purple" to make things a little easier for you (but.... since he posted it in JEST, he wasn't really being serious...)I know this is probably blowing your mind

So, there you have it. Now, think really hard about your response if you choose to post one. Because (are you ready??) - this whole post to you was made in JEST also. Isn't humor great?

Good luck and I hope (truly) to see you out on the line here someday.
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