Thread: Regional vs other?

USMCFLYR , 01-22-2014 09:30 AM
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Quote: 21 years in Navy tac air, never left the cockpit - not an option for our Marines and very rare these days in the Navy. And yes, Tuna, it is indeed Tako that I was referring to. I entered service with him via NSI in '90 and finished down the hall from him in the same Hangar in Miramar... for 3 years as the XO of 101. I should probably write a book...
Good luck, fellas, holler if I can help in any way.
I was always jealous of some of my Navy brethren for the opportunities to stay flying at jobs outside of the squadron/CAG/wing/etc....

When I instructed in VFA-106, we had a female get attached to the NSC. She was allowed to come back as often as her NEW job would allow and fly as a *guest* instructor. Later during my time in VFA-125, we had a similar opportunity given for people would went to staffs tours in San Diego. They would meet us on Weps dets in El Centro.

Conversely, when I was an Air Officer for 1st Battalion/2d Marines - my two FACs were from MCAS Cherry Point and MCAS NEW RIVER (the same town!) and neither were allowed to keep flying. If you were not on flying orders - not a chance to find yourself in the cockpit.

CB - were you XO of -101 during any of the time the 'Crusoe' was the CO - or it seems that was probably after your time. I was the XO of -125 at the end of my tour.