Thread: DAL Poolie Info

GunshipGuy , 02-20-2014 08:32 PM
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Quote: If I remember correctly, they're supposed to give you at least 10 days off, between Indoc and IQ (Initial Qual training). It's going to be aircraft/pipeline specific, but coming out of a Jan Indoc, the shortest guy(s) had about 2 weeks, and the longest closer to 4. Regardless of the situation you end up in, just don't forget that it's a good problem to have...
In my indoc we got our training schedules and the shortest time between finishing indoc and starting training was two weeks. Then those of us bound for 88 training were asked to step into the facilitator's office. He informed us a training slot for the following week had suddenly become available and starting with the most senior guy each was asked if he wanted it. Everyone said no down the line. Then the inverse assignment started and the class plug was scheduled for training the following Monday after indoc.