Thread: AOL update
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Old 03-24-2014, 02:48 PM
Joined APC: Jun 2008
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Originally Posted by cactiboss View Post
what does the apa have to to with what the west presents? If the court documents are to be believed, the apa plans to set up a "neutral" process where east/west/aa each present their case to a neutral, the very thing the east so vehemently opposes.
Not necessarily. I don't think APA can or will agree to a process arbitration supposedly doesn't allow, that being separate non-union groups argue directly to the "neutral" arbitrators. Instead, allowing separate groups to include information for APA to present to the neutral arbitration. This would be after negotiation fail or possibly not even occur if East pilots don't agree to reengagement in the SLI process and of course after their frivolous and obstructionist strategies run their course.
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