Thread: AOL update
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Old 03-25-2014, 07:18 AM
Joined APC: Jun 2008
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Originally Posted by Capt Hindsight View Post
Doesn't it sound like a huge conflict of interest to have one of the principles in the arbitration (APA) in control of all the information from all other participants (USAPA, maybe West)? Sorry, but a long, protracted DFR suit is just not a suitable deterrent to potential APA "misrepresentation."

Capt H
The first thing USAPA needs to do for you is to explain in fine detail why they negotiated an MOU that provides for exactly that. Unless and until they can do that, they have no foundation to dispute the very provisions they negotiated and validated by their signing it.

It would seem the East is being represented by certified idiots. If East pilots are so concerned about this, perhaps a better strategy would be East pilots suing USAPA for DFR (while they still exist) for agreeing to terms only someone congenitally insane or irretrievably stupid would agree to.

Hey, at least it's a shot, right ?
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