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Old 06-20-2014, 12:27 PM
On Reserve
Joined APC: Aug 2008
Position: B757/767
Posts: 16
Default "Just wear the lanyard".....

Yes, 'just wear the lanyard' because 'our' union is tone deaf to a large segment of 'our' union that questions -Why??? Whoever thought a YELLOW lanyard with a SEIU logo (which does represent what was once called ACORN) would be a good idea must not have done their homework. Cause God knows the YELLOW color has always been associated with a strong, determined group who have had enough and must be reckoned with....Yellow? Really? How about a bright red one that says CONTRACT NOW!!! And ACORN (SEIU), which includes in their platform a class-less society void of 'cadillac' health care plans and endorsing income redistribution, is what we are hoping for in our next contract, right??? It didn't and still doesn't make sense to me. Our union must use a union supplied vendor, and I understand and support that. But this particular one? At this time? I directly questioned our union reps on these choices and one in particular directly questioned my 'our' union loyalty for questioning these decisions. I simply said, and perhaps echoed common sentiment wondering 'why SEIU'???? It's like going to a Grizzlies basketball game with a Grizzly T-Shirt on but with a Heat logo on it.....doesn't make sense to me? I suggested recalling these lanyards and issuing a more unifying lanyard

But yah, wear the lanyard.

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