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Old 08-06-2014, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Herkflyr

I usually respect your posts, but I think you are being unfair. I think JM had to make painful decisions at a painful time. As for "being the largest giveback in the history of Delta"...maybe that is because he also negotiated the largest increase in the history, etc.

To make the logic extreme but still pertinent, what if you were making $1000/hr prior to LOA 46, then took a 70% pay cut to "only" get to $300/hr? You would still be at $300/hr, but could also truthfully state "the largest giveback" etc etc.

I thought JM was a good MEC chairman (and prior to that, Negotiating Committe chair etc). I thought it was a mistake for Moak to run against him when he did (and win the MEC chair as well).

THAT said, I thought that Moak actually has done a pretty good job in numerous demanding environments as well. One does not have to be on one side or the other. Both JM and LM ultimately want what is best for the DAL pilots they led. Often times it is more a question of differences of method than desired end result.

But the whole point of this is I think your post unfair, and does not also tell the entire story.

I think what he was trying to say is that JM is viewed thru a rose colored prism as having brought C2K and nothing else. I agree with your statement that his post doesn't tell the whole story, and that all the dALPA leaders have been there at difficult times. The level of difficulty is of course dependent on the time they were there. I also think what he was trying to do is to tell the other side of the mythical JM was god story. He wasn't, anymore than LM is the devil. He was the guy in the job at the time. We can argue till the cows come back to Capistrano about the effectiveness of ANY dALPA/ALPA leader, and not change anybody's mind. I know who has done a good job, and who hasn't as far as I am concerned. Time will tell going forward whether or not the other guys can do better. My guns are loaded for that.
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