Thread: Engine failure mid air

John Carr , 09-14-2014 10:48 AM
Gets Weekends Off
John Carr
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Quote: Yes, the original statement was ridiculous. He said "EVERY" checkride in "MULTIENGINE" aircraft.

If this was true, we'd have smoking craters from piper senecas and navajos all over the place.
Where I did my multi training (high elevation airport), one MIGHT be able to fly a SE MAP. IN THE WINTER.

In the summer, the standard joke applied;

"How good does it fly on 1 engine?"

"Good enough to get you to the crash site"

One of the aircraft I've flown in the 121 environment could climb at 2000 FPM on one engine at intermediate weights. Another one, well, the flight ops engineering people had all sorts of PFM and special procedures for all the high elevation/mountainous places we flew to comply with a 4 segment profile. But the SAD truth is, I'd NEVER want to validate it.