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Old 12-16-2014, 08:34 AM
MK Ultra Candidate
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Originally Posted by Cubdriver View Post
Supply will out pace demand as it always has- a a lot. There are about 80,000 airline jobs here and you can see there are 150,000 active ATP pilots around to fill them. That's just the active ones, we haven't even tapped the inactive ones (those without a current medical). Or the people who could be converted to ATPs among all the commercials and flight instructors. I always find these pilot shortage discussions so hard to take knowing what the actual numbers show.

Keep selling that one, no one is buying it, specially the airlines. Having chatted with many of the SKYW recruiters, the well is drying up fast and they are drilling into new areas. The reality is before the industry goes to the political effort of buying politicians(expensive) to get the regs modified, they will take the next most logical approach, hire the competitions talent, and if they won't hire on to a regional they will just not renew/award their contracts. This will furlough pilots onto the street and since TSA(or fill in the blank) will be hiring pilots, being the sheeple they are will rush to the regional that is hiring CQFOs. There are plenty of regionals out there to ravage.
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