Thread: APA corruption
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Old 03-21-2015, 07:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Arado 234 View Post
From the LGA Rep


One word for the latest spin: CRAP. If you are offended by my choice of words or my writing style, STOP. The latest round of garbage emanating from your directors has prompted a response from one of the new guys on the board. I ran on a platform to end the exact crap you are witnessing.

On the morning of January 31st I awoke to find that one our members had injured himself on the evening before after “celebrating” the end of a very contentious period of weekly BOD meetings. Been there, done that, can’t fix stupid. Gave him a ride to the airport, recommended further evaluation (I have emergency medical training), and headed to APA for another day at the office… or so I thought.

Bam!! It was brought to my attention that some of the BOD members had spent $3600 on a dinner the evening before. Carl Jackson and I approached Keith Wilson and demanded an investigation of this blatant misuse of association funds. That was January 31st. I heard nothing from our President but then again, our relationship has not been so rosy since my arrival at the mothership. I will say, Keith was not pleased.

After some correspondence between Pam Torrell and other members of the board, I decided to wait until the March BOD meeting to address the issue face to face. After obtaining details of the expense, I learned that eight of nine gluttons had made reparations ranging from $200 to $450. Total repayment was around $2400 with the balance expensed to the association, about $1200. I then asked an APA staff member what was a typical historical average for one of these “group gaggle” BOD dinners. $100-$150 on the high end was the response. Yikes!!

I raised the issue during the closed caucus on the first day of the SBOD. The mood was somber. The gang of nine realized they made a gross error of judgment. Whether the repayment was made out of sincerity, or because they knew they were in the crosshairs, is a moot point. What has transpired since is the issue that has raised my ire.

CRAP. Absolute CRAP. Hooper, Roach, Bacon – shame on you!! To twist this mea culpa and attempt to resurrect the 10-12 JCBA BOD split, the “Hill-Westbrook or Copeland in the kitchen” old bones is absolutely pathetic. To blame Bill Gary for paying the tab that you all walked away from is shameful. The spin spewing forth as damage control amidst the election cycle is sophomoric.

We’re all grown men. We were elected to represent and to protect the individual and collective rights of the members and to promote their professional interests. Our pilots have placed their trust in us. A few have shattered that trust and rather than admit they erred, instead have launched a pathetic round of spin.

I’m raising the B.S. flag. To those that erred: pay back all but a reasonable amount for Dinnergate. To the BOD: let’s fire the Financial Audit Committee and commence and independent audit. Let’s put policy in place to prevent this and other loose accounting of our funds. Once in place, let’s adhere to the very policies that are written in blood by those that preceded us.

No political antics here. It’s up to the membership to decide who sits to my left and right and in my seat as well. If you don’t trust your leaders, clean house or our union is finished. We will do our best to right this listing ship. If I have failed to perform after one term, I will step aside for a better alternative.

Not trying to be self righteous. My expense claims are available for review anytime. This CRAP needs to stop yesterday. Let’s rebuild our association.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

In Unity,

I hear this imbiber of fine wines isn't running for election again. He's just ****ing out the expensive wine and obviously now writing while hopped up on cheap wine from his own "cellar".

I don't care who you are, $300 bottles of whine are never acceptable expenses against a union tab.
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