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Old 05-15-2015, 06:12 AM
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Originally Posted by gzsg View Post
I keep telling Tim Cook what you say Sailing and he refuses to make concessions on the IPad I want to buy. He say he is not make concessions during record profits.

Obviously Apple's CEO is an ignorant fool who needs Sailing lessons!
The problem is that DALPA does not "sell" to management what we lost. They enter the room content and ready to negotiate minimal raises with gives on a bankruptcy era contract.

DALPA needs to start the negotiation process by hammering to Management the things we have lost to better this company ( A plethora of Qol, Pay, Retirement issues). Once DALPA is confident that we are worth more and we deserve to get paid back for our investments, then the company will take them serious and a true negotiating environment is born.

Currently, DALPA is being played by a shrewd man and company. DALPA and some followers are comfortable, they do not want to disrupt their ebb and flow. This is one reason you hear, "In negotiations, we have to give a little to get a little". I agree, give a little once we are at restoration plus inflation but right at this moment RA is ecstatic that his Union accepted the reset in wages and work rules. He will continue to build his nest to his heart's desire, then he will leave. Ever so often he will throw out a nice complementary "word" about his Union leader and employee group. Just enough so the Koolaid still flows.

Insanity. How do people fall for this? Until we realize our true worth and stop worrying about others, we will pass any TA given to us by DALPA. Guaranteed.

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