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Old 05-26-2015, 02:30 PM
Gets Weekends Off
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Originally Posted by BenderRodriguez View Post
Top end scope means far more jobs, and since you have apparently been asleep, the regional model is dying.

Yeah, insanity is right.

Edit: And I love how you ALWAYS spin everything into a junior/senior, old/young, N/S, ALPA/gods at DPA, thing. You are the farthest thing from a unifier these boards. YOU are the one doing that Jerry. Every post.

I freely admit I am against concessions (or any other cleaver thing you name them to hide the fact they are concessions) in this environment.

I think we never should have given this flying away, but we did. Now we are going to give away more?

You are wrong about my unity goal. I want unity. With just a touch of leadership we would have unity.

What we have is RH screaming at reps, attempting to bring them to submission. That is unacceptable. Maybe I'm the only one offended and disapponted. That's fine.

If RA was the MEC chairman he would have stated specific goals and we would be 100% unified.

Our survey is useless. It would be completely different today. The American pilots hourly rates far exceed ours and their $1.4 billion dollar Q1 profit was after the survey.

Now the dark side is saying the economy is going to fall off a cliff in 18 months. Really??

Who's side are they on? Not ours.

Puppets who repeat everything management feels them. Roll our the black swans.

All the C2012 boogie men are gone and yet here we are making concessions.

Selling us out for the min is bad for the Delta pilots and much worse for management.

Horrible for ALPA.
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