Thread: Spirit of NKS, Part II

Shortie , 11-18-2015 08:39 AM
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Quote: You are dead on Window Seat, as a Spirit captain and a proud no voter on the last concessionary contract, I feel like I am beating my head against a wall with this regional mentality. Just look at our last LOA giving up training conflicts for shiny iPads?!? That costs me almost 50 hours in pay for a recurrent month, ugh, trust me, these guys will never get it. The same pilots who claim our QOL is so amazing, have no idea what other airline QOL is. I have friends at practically every other airline out there, guess what? They are FO's making more than me and still getting 17-23 days off a month depending on the aircraft. So yea, its embarrassing listening to to justifications of the pilots here of why its so amazing to make as a Captain less than most FO's at any other legacy. My favorite line "we get four days off"! They truly think we have something no one else gets, lol.
Ditto!! You both nailed it