Thread: Spirit of NKS, Part II

A320ULCC , 02-06-2016 07:33 AM
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    Feb 2014
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Well said. But, nobody in management will ever share our values. Never have never will. They live in an alternate reality, typically clueless of how the operation works at our level. If it's not JS, someone else will step in and act just as despicable. Whoever they are, we have to deal with them, firmly, through our union organization.
"Kumbaya" never worked here, the good news is that more and more line pilots seems to realizing that fact.
I completely agree with you. Some of this can be blamed on us and the way we as a union have been minimized by management. If we had active roles and allowed to actually participate in the process of hotel selection, scheduling, training and hiring, maybe this could be a better place.
Instead our committees are minimized and reduced to only reviewing that the company is adhering to our contract, which many times they are not. But thank goodness we have JA.