Thread: DALPA Vacation Bank?

Bananie , 07-08-2016 09:00 AM
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Quote: Bananie,

Just curious because you seem very familiar with the situation. The medical/surgery that JV had was it elective? Meaning, was it something he could have done his alpa job with, but not fly? Another words, he banked his time while in a non flying status and then when time to come back to the line(oh the horror) he has to have the procedure. While legal, looks a little sneaky/sleazy as us regular line pukes would never be able to get a good deal like that.
I don't know nor do I care what the surgery was. I am pretty sure it wasn't a face lift. Here is the confusion:

One guy says it's fishy when an ALPA guy with a medical condition does ALPA work and gets paid for it

You say it's fishy when a former ALPA guy has a medical condition after doing ALPA work

In short, in order to not be fishy, anyone doing ALPA work needs to never get sick ever again. Let me know how that works out for you.

If you are the least bit honest with yourself, you would admit that this fishiness has to do with the politics of the guy being trashed. You don't like what he supports, so he all of his actions are fishy, despite him following all the rules to the letter of the law.

This is just a political hit job. It was started by the Bartels gang who have a prolonged history of failure. In order to deflect attention from their failures, they periodically conduct this type of political hit job, filled with lies, half truths, and exaggerations. The social media crowd are fed this information and then go on the attack without ever questioning the source or the veracity of the information being fed to them. Look over there, a squirrel! Bark Bark Bark.

So while Bartels is great at collecting political power and destroying the reputations of anyone who opposes him, he has never produced any type of success for the pilots he represents. Look over there a Bunny. Bark Bark Bark.