Thread: Reps need your input!

vyperdriver , 07-28-2016 05:11 AM
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While I agree with the sentiment of talking with Reps, it should largely be unnecessary given the outright rejection of TA15 and the overwhelming amount of information gathered by them about our dissatisfaction with last years attempt. They should not require a daily deluge of calls and emails to represent our interest. Otherwise I would start to think them incompetent or mindless at best. The reps and the negotiating committee clearly have a picture of what industry leading contract means. They clearly should have an understanding of the QOL goals of this group and the compensation that would be identifiable as industry leading. If they do not, forget every 24 hours etc. then they are incompetent and either they or the entire union needs to be replaced. I think probably the latter. This entire process is remniscent of how Trump describes how our government functions.