Thread: Mesa rerouted question

HardLemonade , 09-06-2016 02:37 PM
  • Joined APC
    Jan 2016
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You're not a real Mesa pilot until:

You are forced to eat saltine crackers with ketchup and call it dinner.

Tell at least 2 pilots from other Regionals that you will be at a major just as soon as you hit your 1,000 hours PIC

Tell at least 4 strangers that you work for United or American..bonus points if you lead off by saying you work for "American Eagle"

Interrupt a minimum of 5 other aircraft per day on ramp frequency

Miss more than 2 calls from ground control

Make daily ATC calls to the passengers while in flight

walk through the aircraft cabin wearing your sunglasses

yell at a ramper (the reason doesn't matter)

Become a contortionist just to avoid making eye contact with other pilots

dive bomb for the airport because you stayed too high while flying in Mexico

Sweat bullets when Mexican ATC clears you for a DME arc approach

And finally....

Complain, cry, and moan that you don't get flight benefits on American Airlines. MAJOR BONUS points if you complain to a AA/Envoy/Piedmont/PSA pilot.

If you can accomplish any of this topless while talking about tinder with a kid's space themed wallpaper in the background you have just won the Mesa pilot gold star.