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Old 08-24-2007, 05:30 PM
Joined APC: Jan 2006
Position: A-320
Posts: 6,929

Originally Posted by Mr Spooner View Post
Man, listen to you. First, I voted for the union so don't give me the "You rewarded them with voting no." Why is it always comparing days off and pay with you, I bet I could hand write your entire schedule out as much as you always talk about it. You continue to act that those of us at Colgan are idiots for staying with the company and you are a genius for leaving to work at XJET.

A true genius would buy a whole lot of XJET stock since it is at a five year low.

I hope the fare dispute between XJet and Continental goes well for you
, they already slamed you taking away 69 planes and giving 44 to Chautaugua.

XJET lost what $26 million last quarter

I am not saying XJET is a bad airline, hey I admit it is much better than Colgan but all airlines have pros and cons. Just stop acting like you are a damn genius, you are not. Do you go by all of your old jobs and tell the employees how stupid they are for staying?

You are starting to sound like Sky with all his negative rants and complaints. I bet you could not go 1 week without typing the word "Colgan" in this forum.

Bottom line is Get Over It...move on...Colgan is not your problem anymore.
Get a clue genius, they didnt take 69 airplanes from us, last I saw they were flying in ONTARIO, and because of the start-up cost with running a new airline (which your company doesnt have the manpower/brains/or cash to do) thats why we posted a loss. You didnt answer my question how long have you been there, when the thrill of walking around the same dumb airports with your on is over, you will realize there are more important things such as work rules, pay, m/x

PS I actually dont think I called COLGAN pilots stupid...................

..................and yes the "fair dispute" as you call it did go well Larry actually wanted 100 million so yes we made out
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