Thread: Filthy Cockpits

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Spartan07 , 08-29-2007 09:32 AM
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Quote: Agreed, seems like people will work harder to get out of doing their job, than actually doing it.
Sorry to have to correct you here, But don't you think it should be "... seems like American people will work harder to get out of doing their job, than actually doing it."?

I love this country, and I know that there are lazy people in other countries and cultures but laziness is a big part of our culture. I personally think that we have got to be (as a whole) the laziest country in the world. And that is as a whole, including all the classes. The upper class in a lot of other countries could probably give us a good run for our money, but if you tally up the average 'laziness' of the entire society I'm pretty sure we would be at the top of the heap.