Thread: American 767 fire at Chicago O'Hare

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ME109G , 10-29-2016 04:37 AM
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For more than 20 years, anytime going for training CAE, Flight Safety, Delta or AA facilities I've been asking about this V1 cut in case of fire.

Always I've been told before V1 stop, after V1 continue. Which in the sim works beautiful. I tried and try to advocate differently. And always I bring up the Concorde scenario. They took off, all dead. If the pilots would have put the plane streaight ahead, maybe some people will be alive today. Pilots crucified for not following procedure, but some people alive.

Same with this AA plane. They were lucky for catching the fire before V1. Otherwise all would be dead now. And that's because the stupid procedure we learn vis-a-vis V1 cuts.

I survived a plane fire 30 years ago. In my book during an engine fire the only safer place is on the ground. This crop flying around and making poetry with an engine on fire doesn't cut it for me. Just sayn'