Thread: JetBlue Latest and Greatest

WhiteHammer , 12-27-2016 03:42 PM
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Quote: Pay
B fund
Rigs Daily and Duty
Profit sharing

Dollar value per hour is only one factor in a long line of what is total compensation.

For instance: jB a 12yr Ca earns 11.5 or 12 hrs of PTO every month. Annually that comes to less than 150hrs a year. That's to be used as sick and vacation or sold back at a premium.

A delta guy gets weeks of vacation and over 100 hrs just be be used as sick time.

Shooting from the hip here I don't have the comparison guide in front of me, but I assure you the deficit is real.
Actually the vacation might be a little better than the comparisons make it out to be. I don't want to sound like a juicer but let's look at the real math instead of a skewed chart. Yes their Vacation + sick time is more than our PTO. However our PTO is more than their vacation. So a year 4 guy here can take 4 vacations, can't do that at delta or United, But it doesn't leave much sick time. They get 3.5 per day for a vacation day, we get 5, the chart didn't factor that difference in. If you start doing the math on that its a way better deal for us, unless you get sick and have no PTO. Be careful what you wish for, our system is way better, we just need some more hours added to it. imagine a week vacation for 24.5 hours of pay, you would really have to work a lot that month to get a normal check, and a use or loose sick bank, and having to get a doctors note after 2 sick calls, no thanks.