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Old 03-06-2017, 07:11 AM
Gunga Din
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Jun 2015
Position: A320 Right
Posts: 378

Originally Posted by Jett i son
There are ways to run PBS, which are less seniority heavy.
Unless you are top 20% seniority you will NOT get what you want, but what is left over.
PBS will NOT give you more schedule flexibility than you already enjoy.
You can currently drop and add to fit your needs.
VAC will be worthless with PBS.
For the 40% to 60% seniority folks, it will be like a relief line.
You may get some of your requests, some of the time.
Double checking for "errors", will take just as much time as bidding for lines.
I don't necessarily think this is true. But let's just say you're correct. There is no reason 4 days off has to be "the norm". Granted I'm not going to vote to give this up, I'm suggesting we have a bidding system that allows us to waive it if we don't need it on a particular month.
The current system gives scheduling 100% control over the lines I am offered. They just happen to be less than ideal 100% of the time for me.
Perhaps next contract we can address a bidding system that allows the contract to set the parameters (min/max credit, % or reserves, rigs, duty) and then allow pilots to set pairing preferences. Then let seniority dictate which pairs I receive.
Simply remove the ability for the software to block off my vacation or training so if I choose to bid a pairing that conflicts I can do so.
I just simply hate the 70-90 lines they give me to choose from. There is ZERO reason on both sides of the negotiation why we can't allow pilots to have more choice over the pairings except to say "it's always been this way".
Don't call it PBS. I don't care. There has to be software that allows us to sort through and select our own pairings based 100% on seniority keeping all conflicts and rules the same.
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