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Old 05-08-2017, 01:49 PM
New Hire
Joined APC: May 2017
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Default History Repeats?

Injunction. Think it can't happen?

United, American and Delta pilots have all tried this playbook before. Illegal job actions have resulted in courts siding with management, taking away major bargaining chips from their respective pilot groups.

Think pilots can't be cited as individuals, and left hanging in the balance of negotiations?

Ask the Delta 49ers. 49 pilots who were shown to have engaged in a "no overtime" campaign to include harassing/intimidating other pilots (as has been happening on this site.) Personal computers/records were seized by court order. At Delta we still see the effects of this episode every time we check another pilot's schedule - everything is timestamped and made visible to discourage such intimidation.

There are several threads (and specifically several posters) on this forum that are attracting attention beyond what you may think. Your anonymity is easily unmasked, especially those with extensive posting history here. Every login and post leaves a fingerprint that can be turned over with the stroke of a judge's pen. Subpoena is a powerful hammer.

I applaud and support your efforts to succeed in these negotiations. I only come here as a warning to stop any illegal behavior before it puts you and your pilot group in jeopardy.

Best of luck.

In unity,
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