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Old 05-20-2017, 11:04 AM
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Originally Posted by avi8tor614 View Post
Discriminator? Just for S and giggles. I'm going to throw out a personal fact. I have 8 personal friends, about 23 or so acquaintances that I keep in my phone and some contact with and God only knows how many people whom I have met that are pilots that are at the Legacies. Since I can't speak about the random people I'll talk about the 31 people that I do have some knowledge about. Of the 8 personal friends All happen to have a degree. One washed out of one legacy but wound up at another legacy. Of the 23 Acquaintances: 13 have a bachelors, 1 has master's, 5 No degree at all the other 4 I don't know Ill assume they have a degree. Legacies highly prefer degrees: DELTA is the only one that must have one. Honorable mention of the 31 people mentioned above 11 prior military. This BS about college degree cream of the crop is BS. I've flown with guy/gals and who are college educated and just not very good pilots. I've flown with guys/gals who have no degree or just associates and they can fly their tushes off. I happened to receive my flight training at the "Harvard of Aviation" I consider myself a competent average pilot. My school did not make me the pilot I am today. My dedication to learn the trade, the discipline to master the concepts of aviation, my ability to work with other crew members without that chip on my shoulder is what makes me a great pilot. Any pilot who has been flying professionally for over 10 years understands this.
Delta, FedEx, and Alaska/Virgin all require a BS degree as a pilot job requirement.
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