Thread: Kirby wants bigger RJ's.

Andy , 06-06-2017 09:03 AM
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Quote: Apparently it needs to be said AGAIN, could have just as easily happened on a mainline flight.......
The Dao incident could have happened on any flight for any airline. In this case, it just happened to be a UEX flight. Could have just as easily been American, Southwest, or Delta mainline or their regional contractor.

IDBs have been handled in this exact same manner for many years. It just happened that, once ratcheted up to the point where law enforcement got involved, Dao chose to not comply.

The public's completely forgotten about this and they're buying tickets on United with zero negative impact on the company.

The news has moved on to the Delta flight where some guy's 'emotional support animal' tore up the face of a fellow passenger and how American lost a minor golf pro's clubs, causing him to withdraw from a tournament. And those incidents will be forgotten in a day or two. Just like the Frontier incident with the legally blind grandfather is already old news.

This crap happens endlessly in this business. If United/American/Delta don't each get a couple dead pet stories this summer, I'll be surprised. Airlines move a LOT of passengers and cargo - every once in a while, things go poorly.