Thread: Skywest v2.0
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Old 10-03-2017, 08:46 PM
Bombardier Stev
Line Holder
Joined APC: Mar 2017
Posts: 90

Regional pilots, especially the Skywest pilots, don't know what quality of life is, at least I have not met one who does. Yes, there are a bunch that have worked their way into special deals in SLC or other places with training or similar things, but they realize how ephemeral these deals may be and are terrified that any change may end their good deal.

The regional airlines are focused upon making life easy for the schedulers. This creates completely inflexible schedules for everyone. With a normal airline, pilots add and drop trips all the time so that their schedules conform to their lives instead of their lives revolving around what the computer spits out.

At the regionals a pilot might want to pick up a trip on the 17th when there are 8 trips on open time and no reserves, and drop a trip on the 19th when they have 10 reserves and no open trip. Does he get it, of course not, the computer says they need 12 reserves on the 19th so he can't drop the trip on the 19th that would allow him to pickup the trip on the 17th.

The request is not even considered because the scheduling managers don't want to give the crew members the idea that they have any control over their lives. This need to change. Flexible scheduling needs to be made a reality.
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