Thread: Envoy

inevitableneb , 01-26-2018 09:33 AM
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Quote: Thanks for the info, much appreciated. I'm really torn right now as to where I want to go. Obviously it's a personal decision only I can make (and you know, the whole getting an interview and being accepted...)

As I mentioned, I'll be 35 this summer, mid life career changer, been slowly building my hours since 2007. Kids, life, & the recession / etc got in the way. Currently do IT full time for a national lab in Chicago, while there's stability and I make more then a 4 year captain at Envoy, it's just killing my soul. I want my kids to be able to fearlessly chase their dreams, and I have to set that example. That being said, I'm about topped out pay wise in IT, so long term aviation has a better potential.

Currently have 4 year of survey under my belt up through last year. 2 years of ferry flying off and on, and currently FO on a Citation XLS with a PIC type rating.(Pt 91) Our plan is to move back home to West Michigan in the next year or so, so ORD is big. I'm working on finishing my degree (I have about 85 credits now) but having the flow in my back pocket isn't a bad idea (even at 9 years...) I slung bags for America West / US Airways back in the day for 5 years, so I'm not totally new to the 121 world.

My current top 2 are Envoy and Air Wisconsin...but just started thinking about Endeavor too...I dunno, I'm still a couple hundred hours short that I'll finish over the summer, so there's lots of time for things to change.

If you're looking at moving to Michigan then Endeavor might be a great option. Detroit is a fairly JR base for them. The thing I worry about for you is the massive pay cut you're gonna take. It's gonna be hard on the family after getting used to that you're making now. Endeavor will minimize that pain as much as possible. The worst thing is to get started, then in 6-12 month quit because everyone is miserable. Also, I got a friend looking for an IT job, I'd appreciate a PM if you have leads in Chicago area