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Old 10-22-2007, 07:38 PM
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Joined APC: Sep 2007
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by atpcliff View Post

You will probably hear in a week or two that, either, they don't want you now, or you are in the interview pool.

Once in the interview pool, the average wait is about 3 months. I would guess probably 5 now, since it's over XMas and I'm sure tons of guys are applying with the IBB looking like it's going through.

Before, some guys were getting an interview in a month or so, most were 3 months or so, and some were up to 6 months. Some of it depended on the base(s) you put down.

Good luck!

Thanks Cliff, however I have heard nothing either way. Completed and mailed in the app 3 weeks ago...! I understand The busy-ness and the slow down right now, I just wondered if it's in a huge stack or if no response that it is accepted is just a silent "no".
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