Thread: Skywest v2.0
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Old 04-11-2018, 04:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Excargodog View Post
Demographics may not be destiny but it's pretty damn close. We are looking at a huge spate of major airline pilot retirements peaking in 2023, and the backfill simply isn't there. Even if the fifty-five year old regional lifers decide that they are willing to take a cut in salary for a few years (while very possibly on reserve) and forgo being top man on the seniority list for the rest of their careers, that really only kicks the can down the road a couple of years. And from the troubles the training depts are having, need for remedial training sessions, increased sims, increased LOE times, etc., the candidate pool is getting a little picked over even at the regional entry level. And if there are vast numbers of well qualified applicants behind these, it isn't reflected in the number of commercial and instrument issuances.

Perhaps it isn't surprising that people who have prospered under the old reality find it difficult to adjust to the new reality, but reality tends to enforce itself on everyone, whatever the denial.

I think Skywest management is trying to deny reality right now. If they continue down that path, I don't think it will go well for them. In fact, it may already be too late.
When the entry level pilots have been picked over, the retirement age extended, flights to underserved communities reduced, and we start to see cancellations to cities that matter, we will see changes in how pilots are trained. Regionals may fold under the majors. Flight schools may be bought by the majors and ATP/FO requirements changed. Commercial aviation will go on and whether SkyWest exists or not depends on whether there are any independent regionals left and/or how SkyWest diversifies.
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