Thread: Union, Hmm 🤔
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Old 06-22-2018, 01:40 PM
Part of the problem
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Originally Posted by MaxQ View Post
Since this is social media, will toss in my two cents.

CBreezy is correct. In the USA, and just about any other country (in the modern day) the military is an organization that meets socialist criteria.

The country has decided to create a collective manner of providing its military force, as opposed to having a privatized military. It does not exist for profit (for the organization, militaries often exist to create profit, power, influence etc for it's country, but not directly for the organization itself ). It exists and answers to what the leaders view as the national interest, not self serving profit.
If a military starts to create a profit for itself, the world generally views them as a criminal enterprise rather than an arm of defense for it's country.
It is as close to pure socialism as probably exists in the world.

Because the word "socialism" creates all sorts of images in peoples heads, they mindlessly dismiss trying to understand how it fits into the world they live in.
Every even modestly successful country that I can think of is a mixture of socialism and capitalism. Most take a collective approach to areas that benefit society as a whole, (police protection, fire protection, education of children, public parks, libraries, the list is long) while leaving the areas of individual choice to capitalist enterprises.(say, shopping for clothes or a car)
The military is not socialist. By nature and function it is fascist. I don't mean that in a derogatory manner, it simply is a fact.

When applied to civilian government, fascism is a bad thing. For the military, it's just about the only way to go.

Please don't make me explain. Just google fascism and the origin of the term. Stop reading at Mussolini. That's when the term got hijacked.
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