Thread: Delta Pilot Career Path Program

bentwookie , 07-17-2018 08:09 PM
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Quote: I don't see that many additional people being able to, much less willing to, go into med school levels of debt for this.
You might be surprised. The hygienist who was cleaning my teeth at the dentist the other day told me her husband had just signed up at the local ATP flight school. He was taking on massive loans to go from zero to airline pilot ASAP and was told in his initial tour "not to worry about getting a bachelors degree because Delta would be tossing that requirement as soon as the shortage hit".

They've (higher ed institutions) successfully changed the paradigm around school debt. Students are going into massive amounts of debt for degrees that are worth far less than a shot at a major's just accepted/tolerated these days. My alma mater sends me alumni magazines advertising luxury student housing, and other ridiculous amenities. Meanwhile, statistics about graduates with various degrees, who are actually working in their field are impossible to find.