Thread: R-Days
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Old 08-24-2018, 05:24 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Aug 2018
Posts: 30

Originally Posted by Qotsaautopilot View Post
It seems like your perspective is to “stretch” every rule to the limit to possibly trade them for something. The thing is if you look at transition or rsv drop they don’t survive if exploited. Transition was just too good not to exploit and we all knew it wouldn’t last another contract cycle so why not work it to the limit. Rsv drop was a huge quality of life provision and could have been modified to not allow center day only drops but instead it got elimited with a brief modification period until pbs. The loss of float vacation on rsv was a massive hit I don’t think many understand. It happened because a few abusers decided to show many and those that didn’t abuse it got raped as a result.

There’s also this stigma in the airlines that rsv is junior so it should suck and nobody cared when we voted rsv drop and float vacation away. Rsv is just an on call line instead of trips. Why should it be junior or senior. It’s just another type of line. Why should someone senior enough to be a lineholder be forced to bid a garbage line of trips instead of a line of RAPs just to get a drop or float vacation? And why should someone not able to hold a line not be able to have those provisions same as a lineholder? Rsv has some pretty senior bidders because it doesn’t suck here. It’s not for everyone but it doesn’t suck. Well R3 sucks. And because a group of folks decided to “stretch” some rsv rules, it now sucks a little more.

This company will reinterpret this contract in their favor everyday. I realize that and I file my NCCs like a good boy and hold them to what they agreed to. Fact is there are bad parts of the contract that they don’t utilize that they will if they need to if a bunch of guys start excercising their legal right to mess with the rsv availability. If a few guys have nice little legal thing goin, great. Theres just no reason to get a bunch doing it just to screw the company for few years and in the end have it eliminated next round these things aren’t transition, we’re not getting anything for them. They’ll just be eliminated to never return.

My opinion is worth what you paid for it though.

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