Thread: Attitude
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Old 08-28-2018, 08:57 AM
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Joined APC: Dec 2015
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Originally Posted by Whiskey4 View Post
I love all you guys who complain about a job where you get paid to show up and do nothing. I’d love you to complain about standby to pretty much any other labor employee on earth. Try construction or landscaping if you want to know about what tough work conditions can be.

Guys that complain about standby either have never held a non-flying job, or have no entrepreneurial spirit. Standby = more time to make money from your side hustle.
Worked construction. Worked an office job. It's true standby is easier than those jobs, until its your last day and you reach hour 7 and a half and it's 1030 pm and you just want to go home but you can't because there is another aircraft type that is delayed and you can't leave until 11 or it leaves because well what if it downgrades.

This job has been fine to me but I see how brutal it can be to junior people and commuters. I sympathize with those people and want to fight for change. It just gets to me when someone with no direct knowledge of how tough it can be to work here at times tells us we dont have it that bad. To that user. You are getting hired on the back end of a big hiring wave so things could be tough for you if you get the 145 or CRJ. I hope it works out but wait until you've been here for awhile before you pass judgement on our contract it's more than just pay rates and flow.
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