Thread: Contract 2018

WesternSkies , 09-13-2018 05:46 PM
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Quote: I don’t think the nonXJT commenters here are truly considering the position that group is in. In a vacuum sure, vote it down and demand trip credit improvements or a better rate. But the reality for these guys is this is a take it or leave it deal. I wouldn’t fault anyone for voting no out of principle, but I also wouldn’t fault anyone for voting yes knowing this is the last chance to keep their seniority list intact. It’s easy for an outsider to tell someone to vote their company out of existence when it isn’t your job on the line.
You have just made an argument that every contract airline should always vote yes. We never operate in vacuums. We are growing or shrinking.
This TA didn’t arrive because of United’s good graces. They are at the table because they need to right their ship. United can’t replace xjet, they have tried.
It is a market.