Thread: Safety becon
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Old 09-24-2018, 12:01 PM
Gary et al
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Joined APC: Apr 2017
Posts: 465

Originally Posted by Missed Appch View Post
I completely agree. I wonder how many people have helped the company out by becoming the lowest paid check airman in the industry over the past year. But at least we are hiring some of the most unqualified candidates for them to fly with.
Absolutely, SE taxi is the only one I brought up on the board because there are easy and clear ways to defend why someone would not do this in regards to safety. There are so many other things our brothers and sisters should be doing that have nothing to do with safety but everything to do with following the letter of the contract. Yet they choose convenience, passengers, or personal desires over a greater purpose of getting this isht done. Then there are other things that have nothing to do with the contract but one would think it may be common sense, such as STAFFING. It is a big issue so anything that effects STAFFING an aircraft is simply delaying our goal. Worse yet, there are several who feel we just "need a raise" and will almost accept anything. They are clueless to happenings of the other pilot groups and think we actually have pretty good hear and just need a little more money. Holy batman wtf. Its a sad place right now, you'd think with as ruthless as this management team is that people would actually unite.
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