Thread: Conspiracy theories...

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VIRotate , 11-04-2018 01:59 AM
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Quote: This does instill a little bit of hope. A bonus really isn’t a big deal to me, but if they’ll offer one I’m not going to balk at it. Of course, they have to resume hiring and finally give me a call haha.

When did hiring sort of come to a standstill this summer? I think I first sent my app in at the end of August, so I’m just curious how long/how many guys might have an app in ahead of me once they start up again.
Classes were reduced from 4 a month to 2 a month during the summer. This was due to a few reasons: lack of sims, lack of instructors, upgrade priority, etc. There are airlines sending guys home for weeks and even months. We already have a pretty difficult initial syllabus so having too much time off during training would be hard on the new guys for sure.

Anyways moral of the story is the bonus will still exist at least for now albeit reduced. Classes are still being filled by poolies. I'd imagine we will back to calling people January/February of 2019.