Thread: Abx new hire

ACMItrash , 12-22-2018 01:03 AM
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Quote: I posted these thoughts in reply to a potential new hire's questions back in July. They are still valid today!
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I had not posted much at all about ABX Air during my two year tenure. And, I wanted to wait for a while to let any emotion drain out before commenting.
The OP asked for cogent thoughts on if he should accept a position with ABX Air. My direct reply? NO! It is not worth the harassment and attack on your morale, and lifestyle!
I was 25 years with an ACMI carrier, so this is not my first trip to the rodeo with companies such as ABX Air. Hopefully, that allows me to comment with some understanding.
Most of it has been covered in previous posts. So, I will not belabor the points. ABX got a new V.P. of Operations about a year ago. While my opinion always remained guarded, it seemed as if he really did want to heal the much salted wounds and hopefully still does. IMHO, he is being constrained by Soaper, and Hete as to what he can and cannot do. When he came to ABX, he took time to come to the Hub and spent his nights talking to the pilot group, both junior and senior. I told him this...In my 25+ years of service in ACMI, ABX Air is without doubt the most toxic, poisoned corporate environment that I had experienced. I was the NG, and expected to be treated as such. However, it was shocking to me to witness the disdain that the personnel in the Crystal Tower at ILN held for the pilot group as a whole. Flt Ops management was waiting with glee for the slightest misstep by a pilot giving them reason to mete out discipline
To any aviator needing to find a new gig, I would tell them to pass on ABX Air at all cost. It is simply not worth the heartache when you could focus your efforts on other opportunities. Two years at ABX Air was enough to make me abandon 27 years of 121 ACMI for a Pt. 91 gig. I wish the best for all the ABX crewmembers. But, my tea leaves were telling me that it is not a place that one wants to occupy the lower part of the seniority list.
It is said that one should always end on a positive, and that I will. The legacy Airborne pilots could not have been a better group to work with. Knowledgable, professional (I hate that term), and for the 99% great to spend the grueling hours on the flight deck and layovers with. Also, the check airmen, and support staff in the training dept. are as good as one could possibly ask for.
How many quit or got fired this week? Heard one just went awol and nobody knows where he went. Called in sick and never came back. Maybe someday they might pay enough where people actually care if they work for abx.