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Old 02-02-2019, 06:13 AM
casual observer
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Posts: 770

The guy either drank too much or too late on a layover. He rolled the dice and showed up at the airplane with a BAC too high to fly, but legal to drive in many states (Georgia, for one). It was a random breathalyzer, so I don't think the outcome resulted from his behavior at the airport.

He's got to suffer the consequences of losing his profession or enduring the stigma of needing a program and public embarrassment of his irresponsible behavior (if he's lucky enough to get a second chance). That's on him.

He's not a devil or a victim.

The larger story might be our collective need to virtue signal that his behavior is due to addiction beyond his control or that his behavior is so reckless and reprehensible that he should be locked up with the key thrown away.
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