Thread: Jumpseat

savedbythevnav , 02-18-2019 05:28 PM
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Quote: Not sure if skywest has changed their FOM, but I've been burned a few times. Computer at the gate will put me over a gojet guy, but skywest FOM shows differently. Not sure if it's anyone first come first serve, or DL/DCI gets priority. Go post in the skywest thread and ask them.

I do find it annoying that on a Delta flight operated by skywest, we are S3B1 or something. So a skywest ramper hired yesterday gets a seat before you. All I can figure is I guess they pay for their own fuel and own the plane. Either way, you'd think it would be a brand thing.
Our FOM has not changed. If it's DL tail colors, you go ahead of OAL. XJT still gets priority above DL/DCI on OO metal, but I would imagine that will be a change soon since they aren't owned by us anymore.

I'd imagine it's a computer thing, but this is another reason why "the walk" is important.

I forget what non-rev priority we are on DL (I don't do it often) but I know they allow us to use S2 as well on OO metal. Not too familiar on all that stuff.