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Old 09-09-2019, 08:37 AM
Joined APC: Sep 2018
Posts: 215

Originally Posted by flyinawa View Post
No, I cut and pasted it. It’s an exact quote that matches the original decree put out by the RAH Union leadership. It says very clearly the Captain should insure “all other D6 pilots will be cleared BEFORE an AA pilot”. While “recommendations” have been made to AA pilots to RE-list as D6, something that we are literally unable to do, RAH’s union leadership message is crystal clear. Allow me respond clearly. In an effort to maintain YOUR *new* “reciprocal standard”, pilots from all other airlines will be accommodated on my jumpseat before an RAH pilot will. So yes, I *can* “make them lower”, in exactly the same manner they’ve chosen to significantly lower the priority of AA pilots.

In no way did AA, and definitely nor did the AA pilots, fail to live up to some standing agreement with Corporate RAH. If the RAH pilot group wanted to create a *new* amendment to the carrier agreement that it felt was more “fair” for its jumpseating pilots, it was up to them to figure a way to do so that didn’t involve putting a gun to the AA pilot group’s head in an effort to do the job for you. There were many other ways to do this. As a previous regional pilot, I would have tried to help you in any way I could, but I will not be threatened by ANYONE, especially not another pilot group. Good luck.
Sounds like to me all that RAH is asking for is to be treated equally on what is supposed to be a reciprocal agreement. How dare they!
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