Thread: New TA... again
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Old 11-02-2019, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Omnislash View Post
Why would they go there if they haven't already? You must not really know anything about their work rules and benefits apart from their payrates. The grass is always greener, right? If it's so great at both of those places, why haven't you left yet? A mass exodus after a TA passes? Pretty sure that isn't the way it usually works. I hope you lead the charge though!
Relax. This TA is not good enough to get that worked up over. It will net me approximately an extra $75 a month post tax over the next 18 months. That’s barely a rounding error to me. There are some improvements to training (which honestly should’ve happened independently of a contract) that basically cost the company nothing. There are some mediocre improvements to junior manning. There is an attempt at making the surface deadhead thing go away (I get the feeling there will be just as many “extraordinary circumstances” as there were “irregular operations” in the past). In return we give up some ready reserve QOL (gotta bring your flight kit with you to take a walk or get good further than McDonald’s), guaranteed competitive pay rates for larger aircraft (I’ve crunched the numbers, the old pay scale would basically guarantee roughly the same pay ratio to Skywest we already have with the 50 seat rates) and we weakened the deadhead language (I’d bet money they start shoving people in the jumpseat).

Am I missing anything? I’m a soft yes at this point because we have 0 leverage to negotiate anything better, and I think the pros barely outweigh the cons. Aviate will keep new hires coming in and keep costs down with attrition. There’s no need to make us the highest paid regional to attract new hires. That being said, I don’t fault anyone for voting either way on it.

Fly safe, take care of your crew, and focus on the next step. There’s not enough at stake in this contract to stress out over.

Last edited by DarkSideMoon; 11-02-2019 at 02:27 PM.
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