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Old 03-30-2020, 11:46 AM
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Originally Posted by rickair7777 View Post
POTUS has first amendment rights like anyone else. He exercises them quite liberally. The press also exercises their first amendment rights quite liberally in regards to POTUS. There's no constitutional protection for the press other than 1st. Amnd.

My premise is the sooner people get back to work the better. Somebody may have to make some hard choices on that eventually.

As to who is at fault, if anyone, we'll have to wait for the historians to decide, we already know what the emotional partisans on both sides think, and neither of their opinions is valid until proven so.

A vaccine will kill this in a few weeks, once fully deployed. So it's not going to last for years.

Also, as a moderator, please lay off the partisan comments (I'm trying to stick to policy, not politics in this).
A President doesn’t have the same rights as a private citizen when he is speaking as president. He sets policy, so no, he doesn’t have those same rights. He gave them up when he chose to serve, just like military people do when they swear an oath to defend and protect. That oath takes precedence over his personal desires.

We agree on duration and on hope for quick resolution. I don’t need to wait for history to write what it plainly visible.

But Rick, are you seriously going to silence me because my perceived partisan views conflict with yours? I have not advocated for anyone, and I DO have free speech rights. I’m entitled to criticize and ask questions. I commend you for doing that in public though, as opposed to PM. I respect our dialogue, and if I never see another pro-orange draft dodging buffoon post, I will never post one. Until then, you can’t just let many of us on here just sit and take this nonsense day after day.

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