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Old 04-11-2020, 12:05 AM
Gets Weekends Off
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Originally Posted by FXLAX View Post

There is NOTHING a regional pilot group can EVER negotiate that will change mainline pilot scope. It’s as simple as that. And since that is a true statement, there isn’t competing interests between the two, and therefore no conflict of interest.
Chasing the same revenue is as simple as that. it's like two guys trying to date the same girl. There's a winner and a loser.

if everyone is diving in the same "fox hole" then that fox hole may not be big enough for everyone who wants to be in it.

If there is only so much to go around (revenue, flying, corporate profits, corporate greed) how ever you want to frame it, you may have to examine both input and output.

There is something a regional pilot can do. Refuse to fly mainline routes. Demand your union refuse to allow your pilots to fly mainline routes. We don't allow mainline pilots to fly "struck work." Same concept applies here. If our flying was stripped away from us, by whatever hard-core, low ball, scheming-kiniving, and jiving management and disguised as "scoped out" you gotta view that as immoral and wrong. i personally would refuse to allow my union to negotiate anything that takes revenue away from a mainline pilot and a mainline family.

That flying wasn't "scoped out" in some gentlemanly parlor game of chance, It was forcefully stripped from our route network. Let;s explain it in a way you can better understand it. When you "take it back" there are two ways to do it. You can island-hop one route at a time, or you can go nuclear and take it all back at once. I think island hopping our way back incrementally is smarter and less drastic. We can "un-scope" what was "scoped out from under us" by the likes of Johnathan Ornstein, etc. Taking it back has to happen in order to take back the profession.

Mainline dues should pay for mainline professional interests that is in the best interests of the mainline profession.

Just poll the pilots.........It's your money. If you poll the pilots, then the outcome is what they say it is, not what you hope it might be. I recall a long time ago ALPA saying they wanted to "take it back." That was 20 years ago. How we doing?
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