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Old 04-21-2020, 11:00 AM
Bracing for Fallacies
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Originally Posted by Aldo Raine View Post
I stated this weeks ago in another post and I will do so again here; the way we are approaching this WILL KILL FAR, FAR MORE people than the disease itself.

We are being set up for a massive economic depression, which will result in a tidal wave of joblessness, homelessness, depression, suicides, drug and alcohol abuse, malnutrition, domestic violence, criminality, the closure of hospitals and other medical facilities, loss of access to adequate healthcare, and on and on.

Nobody wants to lose a loved one, but sorry, saving 10,000 or a 100,000 just to kill 2 or 3 million and turn the US into Venezuela makes no sense. But that’s just me, I guess.

And you are right. Hospitals outside of a couple hotspots are absolutely EMPTY, and a lot of them will be closing their doors, or at least putting a lot of healthcare workers on the street.
Indeed! My dad has to stay home and pee blood because the hospital cannot/will not take him. One small example, But it's real to me.
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